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One of the strangest findings to emerge from the world of obesity science lately is that people who sleep less tend to weigh more. But until recently, we have been stifling our yawns and scratching our heads about why: Does lack of sleep alter our biology? Or does it affect our eating behavior? Now two brain-imaging reports suggest the answer is both.
The first study, published in March in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, looked at the effects of one night of no sleep. The second, published in April in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, tested the impact of nearly a week of more commonly experienced levels of sleep deprivation (four hours of sleep for six nights).
Both studies used functional MRI to measure brain activation as their subjects viewed food pictures—analogous to being bombarded with a stream of McMuffin ads after a long night of working (or partying). Each study discovered that sleep loss caused areas within a key motivation network, including the striatum and anterior cingulate cortex, to go into overdrive at the mere sight of food. The same circuit perks up when addicts view images of their substance of choice.
两项研究均使用功能磁共振成像来探测受试者观看食物图片时的大脑活动--此情景类似于结束了一整夜的工作或者派对之后被一堆麦满分三明治的广告狂轰滥炸。两项研究都发现,睡眠不足会导致大脑中含有重要的动机回路的部分,包括终脑皮层和前扣带皮层,在见到食物时变得过度兴奋。这一回路同样会在人见到使其上瘾的物品 (比如酒鬼见到酒)时变得兴奋。
“Calories are energy, and your brain subconsciously knows they will wake you up,” says Marie-Pierre St-Onge of Columbia University, lead investigator of the April study. She likens the superresponsive sleep-poor brain to that of someone who has lost weight on a drastic diet—devouring the first snack you can get your hands on is a “no-brainer.”
Scientists do not fully understand how sleep loss affects the machinery of neural motivation. Past studies have established that the stress of sleep deprivation puts the autonomic nervous system on alert, leading to increases in the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreases in the satiety hormone leptin. These changes may be detected by the brain's motivation circuits—which respond by keeping an eye out for doughnuts.
科学家们尚未完全了解睡眠不足影响神经动机的机理。 过去的研究表明睡眠不足产生的压力使自主神经系统高度警觉,从而使生长素释放激素(使人产生饥饿感)分泌增加,而瘦素(使人产生饱足感)减少。这些激素的变化被大脑动机回路探测到,随之人变得更贪吃,比如总想来个甜甜圈什么的。
Christian Benedict, a neuroscientist at Uppsala University in Sweden who co-led the March study, is also exploring whether sleep restriction could interfere with the way our brain perceives the taste of high-calorie foods.
Whatever the underlying biology, it seems that skimping on sleep could well make us hungry as well as irritable. So if you're watching your waistline and feeling snoozy, it's probably wise to avoid the breakfast buffet until you get a chance to nap.
尽管还不清楚这一现象的生物学机制,但是看来睡眠不足会使我们变得饥饿和烦躁。如果你想保持身材,可是总是困意连连,那么在享受一顿自助早餐之前还是打个小盹吧! |
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